No limit for lead acid battery systems Fire areas containing battery systems above the MAQ shall comply with Group H requirements Exception: When approved, larger quantities allowed based on HMA and large scale fire and fault condition testing by an approved testing laboratory.
However, there is a requirement to provide safety information on products. This document, which fulfils this requirement, is commonly called an MSDS, but, in Europe, is more correctly referred to as ‘Instructions for the Safe Handling of Lead-Acid Batteries’. 1. Identification of Product and Company 3) 2.
When electrical devices are set on fire in general water and foam are suitable extinguishing agents. For incipient fires CO2 is the most effective agent. Fire brigades are trained to keep a distance of 1 m when extinguishing an electrical fire (up to 1 kV) with spray jet and a distance of 5 m with full jet.
No hazards occur during the normal operation of a lead acid battery as it is described in the instructions for use that are provided with the battery. Lead-acid batteries have three significant characteristics: They contain an electrolyte which contains dilute sulphuric acid. Sulphuric acid may cause severe chemical burns.
Fire brigades are trained to keep a distance of 1 m when extinguishing an electrical fire (up to 1 kV) with spray jet and a distance of 5 m with full jet. For electrical fires in electrical installations with voltages > 1 kV other distances are applicable depending on the respective voltage.
Should these recommendations be adopted by EU Member States, the industry could face a timeline of approximately 45 months to phase out lead-acid batteries, including an 18-month sunset period following a formal 27-month compliance window. Future Outlook and Potential Exemptions The outlook for lead-acid batteries remains nuanced.
Trade name:3. Hazards Identification4. First Aid Measures4.1 General4.2 Electrolyte (sulphuric acid)4.3 Lead compounds6. Measures to be Taken in Case of Accidental Release8.1 Lead and lead compounds11. Toxicological Information11.2 Lead and lead compounds12. Ecological Information12.1 Electrolyte (dilute sulphuric acid)15. Regulatory Information16. Other InformationPowerSafe, DataSafe, SuperSafe, Odyssey, Genesis, : 235KB: 6londonfireextinguisher .uk