That’s more than 60% below the US price of 40 cents per watt, according to the report. A year ago, Chinese panels cost 26 cents per watt. China’s price plunge gives manufacturers there an enormous advantage over rivals in places like the United States and Europe.
According to our analysis, if electricity prices of the provinces remain unchanged, the cost of PV electricity could be reduced to 0.52–1.22 RMB/kWh by 2015, which is comparable with the grid prices in regions with large PV capacity and high electricity prices, such as Guangdong, Beijing, and Shanghai.
The researchers first found that the physical potential of solar PV, which includes how many solar panels can be installed and how much solar energy they can generate, in China reached 99.2 petawatt-hours in 2020.
A year ago, Chinese panels cost 26 cents per watt. China’s price plunge gives manufacturers there an enormous advantage over rivals in places like the United States and Europe. US producers have been increasingly concerned by the wave of new factories in China, which could make their own uneconomical.
China has already made major commitments to transitioning its energy systems towards renewables, especially power generation from solar, wind and hydro sources. However, there are many unknowns about the future of solar energy in China, including its cost, technical feasibility and grid compatibility in the coming decades.
Panel production costs in the world’s largest producer of solar energy have declined a whopping 42% from year ago, dropping as low as 15 cents per watt, according to a report by energy consultant Wood Mackenzie. That’s more than 60% below the US price of 40 cents per watt, according to the report. A year ago, Chinese panels cost 26 cents per watt.