Estimated short circuit values can vary widely depending upon the test method and measurement technique. Multi-stepped discharge test methods that use a large span in current and voltage provide the best accuracy in estimating battery short circuit current and resistance.
Practical considerations such as the effects of temperature, state of charge and type of circuit protection device are also presented. battery’s short circuit current is typically estimated by dividing its open circuit voltage by its internal resistance.
Often, the peak short circuit current occurs within 5 to 15 milliseconds. Without some form of protection such as a fuse or breaker, a short circuit condition can cause permanent damage to the battery. In effect the battery can itself becomes the fuse.
By learning the voltage curve of battery ISC faults, the features caused by the battery ISC faults are learned from it to predict the lithium-ion battery ISC under uncertain conditions, and the degree of the fault is graded and warned.
In traditional battery state analysis, charge-discharge curves often exhibit voltage plateau regions, as shown by the red curve in Fig. 1, where the internal reaction is intense yet accompanied by minimal voltage changes, making it challenging to analyze the internal electrochemical change process of the battery.
The prediction results are displayed in the form of a confusion matrix. The vertical coordinate is the real battery voltage curve fault type. First, the 1–300 Ω ISC resistance is divided into four levels, and the last one is the normal battery category.
Figure 2.74 Short circuit. The curve for a short circuit is a vertical line plotted at, characterized by a voltage drop of zero, and having any possible value of current. (The arrows at the end of the blue line shown in Figure 2.75 indicate that the …