Yaounde has an annual solar radiation of 4.69 kWh/m 2 /d where the month of July had the least average solar radiation and January has the highest solar radiation. Table 2. Average monthly solar PV electricity exported to the grid 3.1. Electricity generation
Conclusions A detailed feasibility analysis of a 211.75 MW grid-connected solar PV was conducted in order to assess the project’s viability in Cameroon through examining the risk, technical, sensitivity, financial and the environmental impact on Cameroon.
Recently, Cameroon is advancing economic incentives to support the growth of solar PV such as a 10-year tax break on solar PV projects (Ngalame, 2022) and the waiving of the value added tax (VAT) on imported solar accessories (Presidency of the Republic of Cameroon (PRC), 2011).
The investment indicators for this project are quite bankable that the Yaounde City Council, with the recent decentralization of municipalities, could source partnership agreement with the Rural Electrification Agency in lobbying solar energy investors to set up this project which could be used as an additional source of income for the council.
The feasibility of the grid connected solar PV was conducted for Yaounde with available satellite data from RETScreen’s data base. Table shows the site’s characteristic. Table 1. Geographical data of the site
The solar PV project’s cost of energy (COE) was $75.43/MWh or $0.075/kWh which is equivalent to 48.75 FCFA/kWh. This is cheaper than the electricity price of 84 FCFA/kWh for commercial users (Electricity Sector Regulatory Agency (AESEL), Citation 2012) in Cameroon.