Diagram of grid-connected photovoltaic system . The inverter, used to convert photovoltaic dc energy to ac energy, is the key to the successful operation of the system, but it is also the most complex hardware.
Grid-connected PV systems enable consumers to contribute unused or excess electricity to the utility grid while using less power from the grid. The application of the system will determine the system’s configuration and size. Residential grid-connected PV systems are typically rated at less than 20 kW.
This article presents an overview of the existing PV energy conversion systems, addressing the system configuration of different PV plants and the PV converter topologies that have found practical applications for grid-connected systems.
Grid connected photovoltaic systems (GCPVS) are the application of photovoltaic (PV) solar energy that have shown the most growth in the world. Since 1997, the amount of GCPVS power installed annually is greater than that all other terrestrial applications of PV technology combined .
Grid-connected solar PV systems operate in two ways, the first is the entire power generation fed to the main grid in regulated feed-in tariffs (FiT), and the second method is the net metering approach.
Grid-interactive solar PV inverters must satisfy the technical requirements of PV energy penetration posed by various country's rules and guidelines. Grid-connected PV systems enable consumers to contribute unused or excess electricity to the utility grid while using less power from the grid.