Electricity production of Cameroon and electric power transmission and distribution losses in percent of total (Source: World bank, 2018) . ... 2006 and 2015, there was a drop in production of hydroelectric power plants in favor of a growing production of oil and gas thermal power plants.
Nevertheless, according to the International Energy Agency (IEA), the proportion of Cameroon’s population with electricity access in 2021 was merely 65% 1. The Cameroonian government’s electrification projects have mostly resulted in the electrification of urban centers.
PV systems produce decarbonized and environmentally friendly electricity, which helps fight global warming. Cameroon has significant solar photovoltaic (PV) potential across its territory. The annual mean solar radiation varies across the country, with the north receiving 5.8 kWh/m 2 and the south receiving 4.9 kWh/m 2 4, 5.
However, solar energy is not a panacea for Cameroon’s lack of access to high-quality energy. Solar panel output is highly dependent on the erratic nature of both solar radiation and ambient temperature, which frequently leads to an imbalance between supply and demand.
This research 18 aimed to conduct an extensive technical and economic evaluation to determine the best approach for hybrid photovoltaic/wind systems integrating various types of energy storage to provide electricity to three particular areas in Cameroon: Fotokol, Figuil, and Idabato.
Power outages, load shedding, and voltage drops are common on the electrical grid, causing significant social and economic consequences for the population. In 2021, Cameroon’s power network experienced an average system interruption duration index (SAIDI) of 162.6 h and an average system interruption frequency index (SAIFI) of 41.8 2.