Energy systems in many countries, including Togo, is illustrated by a balance between centralised and distributed energy system – which is mostly used nowadays to improve energy reliability and independence by providing a more stable electricity supply (Kursun et al. 2015; Liu et al. 2019; CEET 2020; SOFRECO 2010).
Demand for electricity in Togo has increased rapidly in line with economic growth, but energy production capacity remains insufficient to trigger structural transformation and private sector development. The progress made and the favourable outlook should help to achieve universal access to electricity, which the authorities have set for 2030.
In conclusion, energy storage systems play a crucial role in modern power grids, both with and without renewable energy integration, by addressing the intermittent nature of renewable energy sources, improving grid stability, and enabling efficient energy management.
With a three rounds Delphi method, the study captured the view of key stakeholders on the subject matter. It has been concluded that increasing the share of RE, namely solar PV and hydropower, could significantly improve the energy situation in Togo. This could be through the installation and development of small-scale solar plants and hydropower.
Energy storage system for practical application in the power grid and renewable energy system shows the following economic challenges. 5.3.1. Cost-effectiveness The most challenging factor for ESS applications is the cost-effectiveness of the storage technology.
Based on the literature review, Togo relies on petroleum products (26%) and electricity (3%) which are imported, as indicated in Section 1. To reach the 2030 vision set by the government, experts suggested a percentage increase of 202 MW to the current electric power. 3.2. Drawback factors on RE development