In this instructable I tell you how to make a capacitor your own. This is very easy to make. However it can use with 230v First cut 2 small strip of aluminum foil (about 2 x 15 cm ) Now get the A4 sheet and cut tow small strips (about 2.5 cm x 15 cm) next, fall aluminum strip like in the picture now past them Now, roll it and past a tape.
If you want to make a capacitor for a hobby project, and you need it to have specific capacitance, odds are you will need more capacitance than a few picofarads. In order to get more capacitance, look at the formula from before: -Make the dielectric constant larger: Pick a new material that will give you a better result.
Step 1: For this experiment, aluminum foil is used for the capacitor conductive plates. Wax paper is used for the dielectric. Cut out a strip of wax paper about 3 inches wide. Tear off a piece of aluminum foil about 2 inches wide. Make a capacitor using very inexpensive materials. Step 2: Cut two squares from the aluminum foil strip.
You’ve just built a simple capacitor. While this homemade capacitor may not have the same storage capacity or efficiency as a commercial one, it can still be used in electronic circuits for educational purposes or for hobby projects.
Make a capacitor using very inexpensive materials. Step 2: Cut two squares from the aluminum foil strip. Trim the wax paper so it is about 1/4 to 1/2 inch wider than the aluminum foil on the top and bottom. Cut the strip of wax paper so it is a little more than 4 times the width of one of the aluminum foil squares.
The dielectric material varies. Paper, plastic, oil, ceramic, resin or epoxy and air are all materials used as a dielectric in a capacitor. In this experiment you will learn how to make a simple capacitor and to test the capacitor in a circuit. The results are then compared to test results of a commercially produced capacitor.