Solar panel installation in the UK will benefit from angles tilted at 40° more than it would from flat panels. The optimal angle depends on the latitude, and additional seasonal adjustments can be beneficial. Did you like this article? Would you like to share your feedback?
The optimal tilt angle of photovoltaic solar panels is that the surface of the solar panel faces the Sun perpendicularly. However, the angle of incidence of solar radiation varies during the day and during different times of the year.
At 30° - 40°, your solar panels are positioned in a way that allows them to absorb the most sunlight throughout the day. This is the angle for sloped or pitched roofs, but flat roof solar panels can be fitted with adjustable ballasts to ensure that they have the best angle for efficient energy production.
In the case of most rooftop solar panel installations, the angle is determined by the roof – and fortunately, most roofs in the UK are angled at roughly 30 to 50 degrees. The results in the chart below are the averages of 26 systems in Yorkshire, each with a peak output rating of 4kWp (kilowatt-peak).
The tilt angle of the solar panels plays a significant role in your system’s optimal energy production. Solar panel installation in the UK will benefit from angles tilted at 40° more than it would from flat panels. The optimal angle depends on the latitude, and additional seasonal adjustments can be beneficial.
It’s important to note that optimal solar panel angle also varies per season, as the position of the sun changes at different times of the year. In summer, the best angle is 20° and during the winter it’s 50°.