On-roof solar panels make up the most widely recognisable solar roofing system in the UK. The system is made up of individual panels mounted onto the roof which sit on top of your existing tiles or other roof finish. This solar roofing system is proven and widely available, but the main downside is the aesthetics.
The system is made up of individual panels mounted onto the roof which sit on top of your existing tiles or other roof finish. This solar roofing system is proven and widely available, but the main downside is the aesthetics. With an on-roof system, the panels are clearly added on as an afterthought and are not integrated into your home.
The results showed that green roofs were effective for energy saving in warm climates, as vegetation can capture solar radiation. An annual energy consumption reduction was found between 1% and 11% in Tenerife, 2% and 8% for Rome and 0% and 11% for Saville.
In-roof panels are just as efficient as any other solar panel and are becoming increasingly popular with new-builds. It is easiest to install them as part of the build rather than retrospectively, and the new Part L regulations make them an invaluable tool to meet energy reduction requirements.
In many cases they are also less efficient than solar panels at present, making them less beneficial from the perspective of reducing carbon emissions. On-roof solar panels make up the most widely recognisable solar roofing system in the UK.
An in-roof solar system offers the exact opposite. In this system, the panels are installed as part of the roof with the panels mounted on the roof battens in place of tiles. This allows them to sit flush and blend in seamlessly with the roof, as well as not contribute a notable amount of additional weight to the structure.