A lack of maintenance or improper maintenance is also one of the biggest causes of damage to lead-acid batteries, generally from the electrolyte solution having too much or too little water. All of the ways lead acid can be damaged are not issues for lithium and why our batteries are far superior for energy storage applications.
Applications that have these profiles are solar energy storage and energy storage for off-grid power. Two of the most common mistakes that lead to lead-acid battery damage involve charging — or lack thereof. Some owners discharge their batteries too deeply, permanently altering their chemistry and function.
Overheating is always a potential risk for lead-acid batteries, especially in hot conditions or with an otherwise failing battery. While all batteries will get warm during use, lead-acid batteries that overheat can become seriously damaged.
When you use your battery, the process happens in reverse, as the opposite chemical reaction generates the batteries’ electricity. In unsealed lead acid batteries, periodically, you’ll have to open up the battery and top it off with distilled water to ensure the electrolyte solution remains at the proper concentration.
The only applications that a lead acid battery is operated for longevity are when they are discharged for short periods (less than 50 percent) and then fully recharged. One application that fits this need is vehicle starting. Applications for stationary storage can have stratification and sulfation problems.
If you’re new to lead acid batteries or just looking for better ways to maintain their performance, keep these four easy things in mind. 1. Undercharging Undercharging occurs when the battery is not allowed to return to a full charge after it has been used. Easy enough, right?