A comprehensive study has been presented in the paper, which includes solar PV generations, photon absorbing materials and characterization properties of solar PV cells. The first-generation solar cells are conventional and wafer-based including m-Si, p-Si.
Based on inorganic quantum dots, an efficiency of solar PV cells is about 7% which is reported by Segent’s research group .
Solar photovoltaic is a renewable energy technology that utilizes sunlight in order to generate electricity. A photovoltaic system is comprised of one or multiple solar panels, made up of solar photovoltaic cells, and a solar inverter.
The VOC is mainly depending on the adopted process of manufacturing solar PV cell and temperature however, it has no influence of the intensity of incident light and surface area of the cell exposed to sunlight. Most commonly, the VOC of solar PV cells has been noticed between 0.5 and 0.6 V.
The different physical principles are associated with the operation of different solar PV cells. However, the all well performing solar PV cells possess similar I-V characteristics and can be compared or characterized with each other on behalf of four factors viz. VOC, ISC, FF and PCE. 5. Comparative analysis of solar PV cell materials
At standard test condition (STC) i.e. when solar irradiation is 1000 W/m 2 and temperature is 25 °C, the power delivered by a particular solar PV cell is always maximum , . The maximum power point always occurs on the bend of I-V curve for any particular solar PV cell. This point is always marked as Pmax on the I-V curve.