Installing solar panels is a great idea to increase your home's capacity for renewable energy, and possibly save money on your energy bills.
Installing solar panels lets you use free, renewable, clean electricity to power your appliances. You can sell extra electricity to the grid or store it for later use. There are over 1.3 million installations on homes across the UK – see where the UK solar panel hotspots are.
Hopefully you feel more confident about the process of installing solar panels. With 69% of people telling our National Home Energy Survey that they’re likely to buy or rent a home with solar panels, now is a great time to go solar.
The size of the solar installation is a big factor affecting electricity generation. Although it will cost more upfront to install more panels, a larger solar panel system will always generate more electricity. However, if you generate more than you can use during the day, you'll need a storage battery to make the most of it.
With 69% of people telling our National Home Energy Survey that they’re likely to buy or rent a home with solar panels, now is a great time to go solar. And if you’re ready to get solar panels on your roof, it’s never been simpler to compare prices with our easy-to-navigate tool.
So first, a professional surveyor will check your roof and rafters to ensure that a solar panel installation can go ahead safely. The results of the survey may affect the price quoted by your solar panel providers. With that done, the installation can begin.