Power generation efficiency of photovoltaic cells. Figure 4 shows the power generation efficiency of the trough solar photovoltaic cell. The maximum power generation efficiency of the trough solar photovoltaic cell is 40% when the light intensity is 1.2 kW/m 2.
The annual total power generation and heat gain are analyzed as experimental research data, and the investment cost of research methods for the influence of different light intensities on the power generation performance of photovoltaic cells is carried out.
At present, there are two main methods to study the performance of solar photovoltaic cells: numerical simulation and finite element analysis. Kohan et al. established a three-dimensional numerical model of photovoltaic modules and TEG devices .
A typical PV module converts 6-20% of the incident solar radiation into electricity, depending upon the type of solar cells and climatic conditions. The rest of the incident solar radiation is converted into heat, which significantly increases the temperature of the PV module and reduces the PV efficiency of the module.
Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content: Provided by the Springer Nature SharedIt content-sharing initiative We demonstrate through precise numerical simulations the possibility of flexible, thin-film solar cells, consisting of crystalline silicon, to achieve power conversion efficiency of 31%.
In the experimental study of the influence of light intensity on the performance of solar energy generation of trough photovoltaic cells, the trough concentrated photovoltaic power generation system with high cost performance is used, as shown in Figure 2. Trough type concentrating photovoltaic power generation system.