Battery storage is becoming an increasingly popular addition to solar energy systems. Two of the most common battery chemistry types are lithium-ion and lead acid. As their names imply, lithium-ion batteries are made with the metal lithium, while lead-acid batteries are made with lead. How do lithium-ion and lead acid batteries work?
If you are upgrading a home battery bank to lithium and you already have a modern charge controller, the process could be as simple as installing the new batteries and flipping a switch. If, however, you are replacing a lead acid/AGM battery with lithium in a vehicle or RV, then you must consider the capabilities of the alternator.
Lead acid batteries comprise lead plates immersed in an electrolyte sulfuric acid solution. The battery consists of multiple cells containing positive and negative plates. Lead and lead dioxide compose these plates, reacting with the electrolyte to generate electrical energy. Advantages:
Lithium batteries are a lot more power dense than lead acid or AGM batteries, so this means that a replacement lithium-ion battery of the same capacity will be much smaller than a lead acid battery. So, buying or building a lithium-ion battery for a lead acid scooter is a relatively straightforward affair.
The first step in upgrading a 12-volt lead acid battery to lithium is to choose the cell chemistry and configuration. This is a necessary step because regardless of the chemistry you use, lithium-ion batteries have a voltage that is much lower than 12. This makes it so you will have to put some amount of them in series to achieve 12 volts.
Discharge Characteristics: Lithium-ion batteries can be discharged deeper than lead acid batteries without damage. This means you can utilize more of the battery’s capacity, but it’s crucial to avoid discharging below the recommended levels to maintain battery health.
Lead-acid batteries rely primarily on lead and sulfuric acid to function and are one of the oldest batteries in existence. At its heart, the battery contains two types of plates: a lead dioxide (PbO2) plate, which serves as the positive plate, and a …