Therefore, maintenance management is essential for reliable and effective operation of PV power plants, ensuring uninterrupted system operation and minimizing downtime. Compared to well-established technologies such as hydro, thermal, and wind, the O&M processes for PV systems are not yet fully structured in many operating companies .
In a standalone photovoltaic system battery as an electrical energy storage medium plays a very significant and crucial part. It is because in the absence of sunlight the solar PV system won’t be able to store and deliver energy to the load.
In literature, three general maintenance strategies for solar PV systems are mentioned: corrective, preventive, and predictive maintenance. Fig. 8 shows the evolution of maintenance strategies over time, along with examples of maintenance activities for PV systems. Fig. 8. Evolution of maintenance strategies.
The expansion of photovoltaic systems emphasizes the crucial requirement for effective operations and maintenance, drawing insights from advanced maintenance approaches evident in the wind industry. This review systematically explores the existing literature on the management of photovoltaic operation and maintenance.
types of maintenance (preventive, corrective, predictive) to be performed. Equally important, the maintenance programme should be adap ted to the clima te the PV plant is operating under. guidelines. ment to be maintained. Site maintenance should be included. be the responsibility of the O&M Operator. ities are also covered under the O&M fee.
requirements increase. PV systems for stand-alone applications may hich on the whole keepsmaintenance requirements to a minimum and leads to long servic and should not requiremuch more than the occasional cleaning to reventative maintenanc measures are followed. Batteries, which are commonly required for mo