Power capacitors are rated by the amount of reactive power they can generate. The rating used for the power of capacitors is KVAR. Since the SI unit for a capacitor is farad, an equation is used to convert from the capacitance in farad to equivalent reactive power in KVAR.
For example, the configuration for a 5-stage capacitor bank with a 170 KVAR maximum reactive power rating could be 1:1:1:1:1, meaning 5*34 KVAR or 1:2:2:4:8 with 1 as 10 KVAR. The stepping of stages and their number is set according to how much reactive power changes in a system.
1. Capacitor Banks: Capacitor banks are systems that contain several capacitors used to store energy and generate reactive power. Capacitor banks might be connected in a delta connection or a star (wye) connection. Power capacitors are rated by the amount of reactive power they can generate. The rating used for the power of capacitors is KVAR.
Capacitor provides reactive impedance that causes proportional voltage to the line current when it is series connected to the line. The compensation voltage is changed regarding to the transmission angle δ and line current. The delivered power P S is a function of the series compensation degree s where it is given by
Thus, the methods for reactive power compensation are nothing but the methods by which poor power factors can be improved. The methods are as follows: Let us now discuss each one separately. 1. Capacitor Banks: In this method, a bank of capacitors forms a connection across the load.
Reactive power is either generated or consumed in almost every component of the system. Reactive power compensation is defined as the management of reactive power to improve the performance of AC systems. Why reactive power compensation is required? 1. To maintain the voltage profile 2. To reduce the equipment loading 3. To reduce the losses 4.