tion Port of the battery and press the Power Button. The dim blue LED light on the Power active mode. Please check the battery voltage to validate an active battery. for 3 seconds to switch the battery to shelf mode. The bright blue LED indicator will become dim blue to indicate that the battery has been switched to shelf mode.
I've got a box full of salvaged 18650 Li-Ion batteries that test at 0v to 0.1v and I've come across some videos on Youtube of people using a bench power supply to revive them by running them through their preconditioning phase.
The solution is the method described above: jump the sleeping LiFePO4 battery with another battery or power source of identical nominal voltage until it wakes up. At that point, it will start reading a voltage in its normal voltage range, and your lithium battery charger should start charging it like normal.
If you’re charging your battery with a lithium battery charger, connect your charger and it should start charging normally. Fully charge your battery. Most 12V LiFePO4 batteries are fully charged at 14.4-14.6 volts. Once it’s charged, you can again use your battery like normal.
A sleeping Li-ion does not reveal the voltage, and boosting must be done with awareness. Li-ion is more delicate than other systems and a voltage applied in reverse can cause permanent damage. Storing lithium-ion batteries presents some uncertainty.
Do not boost lithium-based batteries back to life that have dwelled below 1.5V/cell for a week or longer. Copper shunts may have formed inside the cells that can lead to a partial or total electrical short. When recharging, such a cell might become unstable, causing excessive heat or show other anomalies.