However, environmental conditions as well as operation and maintenance of the solar PV cell affect the optimum output and substantially impact the energy conversion efficiency, productivity and lifetime, thus affect the economy of power generation.
The practical potential of PV power plants is the amount of solar energy that can be converted into electricity by PV systems under acceptable conditions. This depends on the solar radiation, the area desirable and acceptable for PV installation, and the impact and benefit of PV technology.
To supply stable electricity from solar power plants throughout the year, it is necessary to select an optimal location for the construction of PV power plants with favorable weather conditions and surrounding environment.
The environmental impacts of solar energy vary widely depending on the technology, which is divided into two basic categories: PV solar power plants and concentrating solar thermal plants (CSP) . In this study, the impacts of PV solar power plants on the environment will be investigated.
In this study, the impacts of PV solar power plants on the environment will be investigated. Some of the most significant environmental impacts of PV solar power plants are related to land use, greenhouse gas emissions (GHG), water consumption, hazardous materials, visual impact, and noise .
PV solar power plants are a key technology for the transition to a low-carbon energy system in world. However, the deployment of PV systems requires a significant amount of land area , which can pose challenges for land use planning, environmental protection, and social acceptance.