The history and evolution of solar energy is a fascinating journey that spans from ancient civilizations to the high-tech solar panels we see today. This journey is not just about technology, but also about human ingenuity and our constant strive to harness nature’s immense power for our use.
Our journey with solar power goes back thousands of years, beginning with our ancestors harnessing the sun's energy for warmth and sustenance. Early civilizations revered the sun, recognizing its power to grow crops and provide light.
The birth of photovoltaics marked a major turning point in the history and evolution of solar energy. It set the stage for a series of technological advancements that would eventually lead to the efficient, cost-effective solar panels we see today. The story of solar cells began much earlier than the mid-20th century.
Take a look at the brief history of the key events that led to solar power becoming the success that it is today. While experimenting with metal electrodes and an acidic solution, nineteen-year-old French physicist Alexandre Edmond Becquerel creates the first solar cell.
The late 2000s was a crucial time for the growth of solar energy. Global investment in clean energy exceeds $100 billion, with solar energy as the leading clean energy technology for venture capital and private equity investment. The solar tax credit helped to create unprecedented growth in the U.S. solar industry from 2006 to 2007.
The use of solar energy is not a modern phenomenon; it traces back to ancient civilizations. The Greeks and Romans harnessed solar power with mirrors to light torches for religious ceremonies.