Common reasons for early life failure of lead acid batteries. Common reasons for early life failure of lead acid batteries. The integrity of any standby power system is reliant on the battery installed, if the battery is degraded then the system will not provide the necessary or expected back up power when required.
Nevertheless, it should be clearly understood that wet (filled) lead acid battery is “a live” product. Whether it is in storage or in service, it has a finite life. All batteries once filled will slowly self discharge. The higher the storage temperature and humidity of the storage area, the greater the rate of self discharge.
Yuasa lead-acid batteries are built to the highest standards. They are manufactured, in most cases to correspond with or exceed the vehicle manufacturer’s requirements and specifications. Nevertheless, it should be clearly understood that wet (filled) lead acid battery is “a live” product.
All lead-acid batteries will naturally self-discharge, which can result in a loss of capacity from sulfation. The rate of self-discharge is most influenced by the temperature of the battery’s electrolyte and the chemistry of the plates.
Contamination in sealed and VRLA batteries usually originates from the factory when the battery is being produced. In flooded lead-acid batteries, contamination can result from accumulated dirt on top of the battery and when the battery is being watered. Watering the battery with tap water has a serious consequence on the battery.
As routine maintenance, you should always check the battery electrolyte levels and ensure that the battery cells are always covered. Sealed and valve-regulated lead-acid batteries are designed in such a way that the gases released from the electrolysis of water in the electrolyte, recombine back to form water. 3. Thermal Runaway