Normally, the solar energy grid con- Table 2. Range of voltage at the PCC. c. If the frequency is 50.2 Hz, the solar power plant shall inject active power up to 51.5 Hz. operator and the owner of solar power plant. not exceed 10% (of the rated active power of the plant) per minute. quality of the voltage waveform at the PCC.
When the solar power plant operates at an active power output below its rated capacity, it shall be able to be operated in every possible operating point in the P-Q capability chart for plant size MSSP as shown in Figure 16 and LSSP as shown in Figure 17.
Voltage fluctuations, at the PCC of a solar power plant, can occur due to switching operations inside the solar plant elements such as transformers, capacitor banks, connection circuit, etc., resulting from inrush currents.
The solar plant grid connection codes are i. The Electricity Distribution the rules users of the electricity distribution networks. ii. The Egyptian Transmission System Code, Grid transmission system operator and the users of the transmission grid. The conversion systems to the transmission grid. The above five codes are shown in
voltage (MV) from 11 kV up to 22 kV. The solar plant grid connection codes are i. The Electricity Distribution the rules users of the electricity distribution networks. ii. The Egyptian Transmission System Code, Grid transmission system operator and the users of the transmission grid. The conversion systems to the transmission grid.
The solar plants connected to the power grid shall endeavor to maintain the quality of the voltage waveform at the PCC. The solar power plants shall comply with the requirements specified in Section 5.3 of the Performance Code of the Grid Code and/or the related part in the Electricity Distribution Code.