Herein, thermal management of lithium-ion battery has been performed via a liquid cooling theoretical model integrated with thermoelectric model of battery packs and single-phase heat transfer.
A lightweight compact lithium-ion battery thermal management system integratable directly with ev air conditioning systems. Journal of Thermal Science, 2022, 31 (6): 2363–2373.
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2021, 180: 121830. Wang S.X., Li K.X., Tian Y., Wang J.Y., Wu Y.K., Ji S., Improved thermal performance of a large laminated lithium-ion power battery by reciprocating air flow. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2019, 152: 445–454.
As an overview of future cooling systems, it is expected that, modified combined cooling systems will provide a promising solutions. Utilizing nanofluids as a coolant will play a significant role when liquid cooling systems are adopted for Li-ion battery cooling.
Comparative evaluation of external cooling systems. In order to sum up, the main strategies for BTMS are as follows: air, liquid, and PCM cooling systems represent the main cooling techniques for Li-ion battery. The air cooling strategy can be categorized into passive and active cooling systems.
Recently, due to having features like high energy density, high efficiency, superior capacity, and long-life cycle in comparison with the other kinds of dry batteries, lithium-ion batteries have been widely used for energy storage in many applications e.g., hybrid power micro grids, electric vehicles, and medical devices.