energy projects in Egypt. 900MWh battery energy storage systems (BESS). Dubai, United Arab Emirates; September 12th, 2024: AMEA Power, one of the fastest-growing renewable energy companies, signs Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) to develop largest solar PV in Africa and first utility-scale battery energy storage system in Egypt.
Currently, NaS battery technology dominates the battery storage capacity in operation in MENA, particularly in the UAE, with a total of 108 MW/648 MWh projects developed by the Abu Dhabi Water and Electricity Authority (ADWEA).
Pumped hydro storage (PHS) has the largest share of installed capacity in MENA at 55%, as compared to a global share of 90%. Pumped hydro storage is one of the oldest energy storage technologies, which explains its dominance in the global ESS market.
Electrochemical storage (batteries) will be the leading energy storage solution in MENA in the short to medium terms, led by sodium-sulfur (NaS) and lithium-ion (Li-Ion) batteries.
The pace of integration of energy storage systems in MENA is driven by three main factors: 1) the technical need associated with the accelerated deployment of renewables, 2) the technological advancements driving ESS cost competitiveness, and 3) the policy support and power markets evolution that incentivizes investments.
The current utility business model limits the prospects of energy storage expansion opportunities, unless driven by direct governmental support. Auctions in MENA have been a major driver for renewable energy deployment, most notably for solar and wind, but only a few have included energy storage.