Resistance to corrosion and temperature fluctuations are significant attributes of high-quality test equipment. The instruments duty cycle and the maximum power rating also heavily contribute to the usefulness and longevity of the equipment. Long-term battery testing requires test equipment to run continuously.
Battery test equipment is a significant investment for companies large and small, so supporting this investment is equally important. Support should in-clude the initial setup and training, eventual maintenance that may be 2 Year necessary, and how safe the equipment is to use. Standard Warranty
For battery test equipment, resolution is determined by the analog to digital and digital to analog conversion, com-monly known as ADC and DAC, of the sense circuitry and control system. Analog signals vary at a continuous (near infinite) rate while a digital signal varies by a discrete rate that is measured in bits.
Many types of battery test equipment will have simi-lar accuracy specifications, and while this is important, it should be evaluated in combina-tion with the instrument’s resolution and precision. The accuracy metric alone can hide the true performance difference of the equipment.
Long-term battery testing requires test equipment to run continuously. Modern batteries are designed to run for thousands of cycles at a minimum, while xEV and grid storage applications require batteries to last 10’s or even 100’s of thousands of cycles.
Battery testing methods range from basic voltage to more advanced methods like diagnostic battery management (dbm), which helps detect subtle battery issues that could go unnoticed. Different battery chemistries require unique battery testing methods, such as lithium-ion (li-ion), lead-acid, and nickel-based batteries.