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How much CO2 does a tantalum capacitor produce?

Tantalum primary production requires 3987 MJ and generates 262 kg CO -Eq per kg tantalum, while recycling of end-of-life Ta capacitors requires 564 MJ and generates 34 kg CO -Eq per kg tantalum (Schäfer and Schmidt, 2020), highlighting the environmental benefits and importance of tantalum recycling.

Can We Recycle high-purity tantalum from Ta capacitors?

Many research groups recovered high-purity tantalum from Ta capacitors. However, waste streams consisting of identical Ta capacitors are only available as new scrap from Ta capacitor production. Instead, the entirety of WEEE and (already) liberated WPCB must be considered as starting material to recycle tantalum from WEEE.

What are tantalum capacitors used for?

Tantalum capacitors and other components containing or coated with tantalum (such as semi-conductors) are widely used in consumer and communication electronics, medical technology and the automotive industry. Tantalum is a relatively rare metal.

How can recycling improve the sustainability of the tantalum supply?

Recycling can help to increase the sustainability of the tantalum supply. Recycling is acknowledged to mitigate environmental impacts, extend the lifetime of resources, reduce geopolitical dependencies and contribute to supply security (Hagelüken, 2013).

What are the economic aspects of tantalum?

Economic aspects are related to supply and demand. The overall demand for tantalum increased steadily since the 1970s (Burt and Schwela, 2013) and future technologies will drive the demand further (Agrawal et al., 2021; Kolotzek et al., 2018; Marscheider-Weidemann et al., 2016).

Is tantalum a sustainable resource?

It is widely applied in telecommunication infrastructure, consumer electronics, vehicles, medical equipment, etc. The sustainable supply of tantalum, however, is at risk, due to rising demand, limited potential for substitution and an uncertain mine production associated with social and environmental implications.

Life cycle assessment and environmental profile evaluations of …

The high proportion of tantalum in TECs results in an overall greater environmental impact in comparison with MLCCs, due to intensive extraction, processing and …

Life Cycle Assessment of Tantalum and Niobium Recycling from …

tantalum and niobium and one prospective HF-free process using NaOH. The results show that environmental impacts of Ta−Nb recycling can outperform primary production environmentally …

Environmental impact assessment of aluminum electrolytic capacitors …

A model of the environmental effect on capacitance stability with temperature and frequency in Polymer Tantalum capacitors is proposed based on electrical characterization of …

Sustainable recycling process for tantalum recovery from printed ...

A process for recycling tantalum capacitors using automated disassembly from PCBs and purification steps to produce a marketable tantalum product has been developed. • …

(PDF) An integrated and environmental-friendly technology for ...

Most of the literature has reported a recovery yield of tantalum from capacitor waste in the range of 90-98 % (Chen et al., 2019;Mineta and Okabe, 2005; Niu et al., 2017), a …

Environmental Stability of Polymer Tantalum Capacitors

Polymer Tantalum capacitors are among the electronic components that have undergone some of the most significant transformations in their performance and reliability in …

Degradation of leakage currents and reliability prediction for tantalum …

Microchip tantalum capacitors are manufactured using new technologies that allow for production of small size solid tantalum capacitors (down to Environmental Impact …

Tantalum Capacitor | Yokogawa Australia

An electric charge can be stored on this crack. Because of the size and weight advantages, tantalum capacitors are useful in portable telephones, pagers, personal computers, and …

Environmental Stability of Polymer Tantalum Capacitors

The results presented in this chapter are dedicated to the specific charge and energy of tantalum capacitors as a function of formation voltage with emphasis on losses at …

Impact Assessment Statement for Rose Lithium-Tantalum …

The environmental assessment of the project by the federal authorities therefore officially begins according to the schedule provided pursuant to the Canadian Environmental …

Life Cycle Assessment of Tantalum and Niobium Recycling from …

available as a part of the life cycle of tantalum capacitors,9 including its recovery.10,11 The environmental impacts of tantalum and niobium recovery from hard metal applications have …

(PDF) Sustainability Information Tantalum

• The tantalum sector is associated with a number of social and environmental problems including land sector. The natural radioactivity of tantalum concentrates and …

Environmental Stability of Polymer Tantalum Capacitors

A model of the environmental effect on capacitance stability with temperature and frequency in Polymer Tantalum capacitors is proposed based on electrical …

Life Cycle Assessment of Resource Recovery from …

The recovery of metal resources from urban mines such as waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) has become an emerging issue. The establishment of technology and social systems for ...

Evaluation of Microchip Tantalum Capacitors

Microchip tantalum capacitors are manufactured using new technologies that allow for production of small size solid tantalum capacitors (down to Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) case …

Hybrid leaching of tantalum and other valuable metals from tantalum …

The transition metal tantalum is a hard, blue-grey element with a refectory character, high density and dielectric strength with a very low coefficient of thermal expansion …

Impact Assessment Statement for Rose Lithium …

The environmental assessment of the project by the federal authorities therefore officially begins according to the schedule provided pursuant to the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, 2012. In parallel, the CEAA …


reduce environmental impact is crucial. One advantage of tantalum capacitors is their lead-free and RoHS-compliant nature. In addition, tantalum capacitors don''t contain liquid electrolytes, …

Application and recycling of tantalum from waste electric and ...

Tantalum primary production requires 3987 MJ and generates 262 kg CO 2-Eq per kg tantalum, while recycling of end-of-life Ta capacitors requires 564 MJ and generates 34 …

Life cycle assessment and environmental profile evaluations of …

The results of this study showed an overwhelming environmental impact relating to tantalum electrolytic capacitors due to the tantalum mining process, compared to multi …

Tantalum | Drive Sustainability

The principal component of the tantalum-bearing ore extracted is gangue (with no commercial value) which is disposed of in the form of fine waste (known as tailings), which …

Environmental impact assessment of aluminum electrolytic …

A model of the environmental effect on capacitance stability with temperature and frequency in Polymer Tantalum capacitors is proposed based on electrical characterization of …