You can install solar panels on a flat roof, but it’s not usually a good idea for domestic properties.
Get DC Home App for system monitoring, story sharing, and exclusive benefits. 8 steps for installing solar panels on roofs: 1. Identify the roof space 2. Check the roof condition 3. Ensure proper transmission of conduit.
Technically, roof-integrated solar panels function just like traditional solar panels or solar roof tiles, using photovoltaic cells to convert sunlight into electricity. However, instead of sitting on top of the roof on visible brackets that can affect your home’s aesthetic appeal, they become a part of the roof structure itself.
Once the flat roof solar panels have been installed, they will absorb energy from the sun and convert it into electricity. The one drawback with stationary flat roof solar panels is that they can't turn to face the sun's direction. This is where an automatic solar tracker system comes into play.
How are solar panels fixed to the roof? Installers fix solar panels to a roof by lifting up some roof tiles and attaching mounting brackets to the rafters, before carefully placing the tiles back where they were. They'll then attach rails to these brackets, before locking solar panels into the rails.
Roof-mount solar panel installations are less intrusive and invasive, and there is no need for extensive pre- and post-installation work or construction. Roof-mounted solar panels add aesthetic appeal and blend seamlessly with roofs, making them ideal for residential rooftop surfaces.