Malta is built on research conducted by a Nobel Prize-winning physics professor, who came up with a theoretical system that stores electricity as heat in high temperature molten salt and cold in a low temperature liquid similar to the antifreeze in cars. The energy stored in the system can be kept for days or even weeks, until it’s needed.
Today Malta is in advanced discussions with a more than a dozen utilities in Europe, and the Americas over plans to deploy Malta’s long duration energy storage technology. As the urgency of the energy transition grows, interest in Malta’s ready-to-market, thermo-electric energy storage solution has skyrocketed.
Malta was formed as an independent company, outside of Alphabet, in December 2018. Today Malta is in advanced discussions with a more than a dozen utilities in Europe, and the Americas over plans to deploy Malta’s long duration energy storage technology.
Malta was incubated at X, Alphabet’s Moonshot Factory, which identified the Malta system as a product that had the potential to unlock a wealth of inexpensive clean energy to address global energy demands.
The team at X designed and tested individual system components and determined the Malta technology can work in the real world at a competitive price-point. Malta was formed as an independent company, outside of Alphabet, in December 2018.
From Theory to a Successful Proof of Concept Malta’s system is built upon well-established principles in thermodynamics, storing energy as heat (in molten salt) and as cold (in a chilled liquid).