Modern systems maintains higher condensing pressure even when low-temperature condensing water is available to avoid crystallization. Lithium bromide aqueous solution is one of many other solutions widely used in the operation of the absorption heat pumps that are used for (heating and) cooling purposes.
The results for Lithium bromide-water show that the cycles give better performance than the ammonia-water cycle. Solar cooling is an attractive idea because cooling loads and availability of solar radiation are approximately in phase.
Lithium bromide (LiBr) is a chemical compound of lithium and bromine. It is a Bromide salt and a Lithium salt. The extreme hygroscopic character of LiBr makes it useful as a desiccant in certain air conditioning systems.
However lithium bromide salt is highly soluble in fluids. It dissolves in water and forms a lower equilibrium vapour pressure of solution than pure water at the same operating temperature. As a comparison at the same 50°C reference temperature, a 60% Lithium Bromide has 6.47 kPa vapour pressure and pure water has 12.35 kPa.
Lithium bromide absorption machines have been proven to have a life expectancy of approximately 20 years; afterwards significant corrosion can be observed. Performance of an absorption refrigeration systems is critically dependent on the chemical and thermodynamic properties of the working fluid.
For the temperature range and typical single effect application, carbon steel and copper are the preferred construction materials. Lithium bromide absorption machines have been proven to have a life expectancy of approximately 20 years; afterwards significant corrosion can be observed.