The Electricity Storage Valuation Framework (ESVF) as presented in this report is a continuation of IRENA’s previous work on the role of energy storage in facilitating VRE integration (IRENA, 2015a).5 The ESVF is designed to be used to identify the value of electricity storage to diferent stakeholders in the power system.
Values are assessed by comparing the cost of operating the power system with and without electricity storage. The framework also describes a method to identify electricity storage projects in which the value of integrating electricity storage exceeds the cost to the power system.
IRENA proposes a five-phase method to assess the value of storage and create viable investment conditions. IRENA’s Electricity Storage Valuation Framework (ESVF) aims to guide storage deployment for the effective integration of solar and wind power.
Electricity storage is one of the main solutions for a renewable-powered future considered in the IRENA Innovation Landscape Report (2019b). Electricity storage systems have the potential to be a key technology for the integration of VRE due to their capability to quickly absorb, store and then reinject electricity to the grid.
The present report provides a framework and a methodology to address steps 3–6 in the process. The electricity storage roadmap launched by IRENA in 2015 identified that two of the most important elements to be considered when assessing the economics of electricity storage are costs and value.
The total amount of fuel cost savings due to electricity storage depends on the combined efect of the various functions of electricity storage. They relate to a more economic electricity dispatch of generating assets due to electricity storage contributing energy and ancillary services. More specifically, fuel cost-related savings can result from: