It funds research into long duration energy storage: the Duration Addition to electricitY Storage (DAYS) program is funding the development of 10 long duration energy storage technologies for 10–100 h with a goal of providing this storage at a cost of $.05 per kWh of output .
Long duration electricity storage (LDES) with 10+ hour cycle duration is an economically competitive strategy to accelerate the penetration of renewable energy into the utility market. Unfortunately, none of the available energy storage technologies can meet the LDES requirements in terms of duration and cost.
Long Duration Energy Storage Council The Long Duration Energy Storage Council is a group of companies consisting of technology providers, energy providers, and end users whose focus is to replace fossil fuels with zero carbon energy storage to meet peak demand.
Long Duration Electricity Storage would reduce costs to consumers through lowering their energy bills, by avoided electricity grid reinforcement and avoided peak generational plant build. LCP's modelling estimates savings for the energy system (and ultimately the energy consumer) of up to £24 billion by 2050.
While energy storage technologies are often defined in terms of duration (i.e., a four-hour battery), a system’s duration varies at the rate at which it is discharged. A system rated at 1 MW/4 MWh, for example, may only last for four hours or fewer when discharged at its maximum power rating.
Unfortunately, none of the available energy storage technologies can meet the LDES requirements in terms of duration and cost. The newly emerged solid-oxide iron–air batteries (SOIABs) with energy-dense solid iron as an energy storage material have inherent advantages for LDES applications.