Every year, many waste batteries are thrown away without treatment, which is damaging to the environment. The commonly used new energy vehicle batteries are lithium cobalt acid battery, lithium iron phosphate (LIP) battery, NiMH battery, and ternary lithium battery.
Waste batteries can be utilized in a step-by-step manner, thus extending their life and maximizing their residual value, promoting the development of new energy, easing recycling pressure caused by the excessive number of waste batteries, and reducing the industrial cost of electric vehicles. The new energy vehicle industry will grow as a result.
New energy vehicle batteries include Li cobalt acid battery, Li-iron phosphate battery, nickel-metal hydride battery, and three lithium batteries. Untreated waste batteries will have a serious impact on the environment.
Provided by the Springer Nature SharedIt content-sharing initiative Policies and ethics At present, new energy vehicles mainly use lithium cobalt acid batteries, Li-iron phosphate batteries, nickel-metal hydride batteries, and ternary batteries as power reserves.
A probabilistic life cycle assessment was conducted using Monte Carlo simulation. Reuse of expired electric vehicle batteries can improve environmental sustainability. Battery usage purpose with efficiency should be considered during entire lifecycle. This study can contribute to crafting rational environmental impact policies.
Secondly, EVs battery whose capacity is reduced to less than 80 % and cannot be applied to new energy vehicles will be used in cascade utilization. These retired EVs batteries can be used in energy storage, communication base stations, solar energy, and low-speed electric vehicles.