The schematic of a flat plate solar collector with liquid transport medium is given here. The black absorber plate absorbs radiant heat from sunlight. due to convection and radiation to the atmosphere. There are tubes carrying water, which gets heated due to the heat absorbed. The thermal insulation prevents heat loss during heat transfer.
Flat plate collectors is used to convert at much solar radiation as possible into heat at the highest attainable temperature with the lowest possible investment in material and labour. Flat plate collector have the following advantage over other types of solar energy collectors: (i) Absorb direct, diffuse and reflected components o solar radiation,
The operation of a flat solar collector is based on heat transfer. Solar radiation hits the collector's heat absorber. When the radiation hits the surface of the absorber, part of its energy is converted into heat. As a result, the temperature of the solar collector increases.
Flat plate collectors work by using a series of components to capture solar radiation and convert it into thermal energy. The basic components of a flat plate collector include an absorber plate, glazing, insulation, and a fluid circulation system. The absorber plate absorbs solar radiation and converts it into thermal energy.
In residential systems, simple and cheap solar panels are used to collect the solar heat energy below 60°C. Residential panels for heat collection are referred to as flat plate collectors. Solar energy collectors are special kind of heat exchangers that transform solar radiation energy into internal energy of the transport medium.
Flat-plate collectors need to face the sun to obtain maximum sunlight exposure. The location. This angle ensures optimal heat output throughout the year. The flat plate solar collectors are highly useful for low temperature heating. The main use of this impact on energy bills. Commercial applications include car washes, military laundry