Charging pile energy storage system can improve the relationship between power supply and demand. Applying the characteristics of energy storage technology to the charging piles of electric vehicles and optimizing them in conjunction with the power grid can achieve the effect of peak-shaving and valley-filling, which can effectively cut costs.
By investigating the thermal storage characteristics of mica, this work has explored the application potential of mica in the field of thermal energy storage materials, brought into play the unique advantages of mica minerals, and prepared novel low-cost, high-performance mica-based composite phase change materials for thermal energy storage.
Based on the flat power load curve in residential areas, the storage charging and discharging plan of energy storage charging piles is solved through the Harris hawk optimization algorithm based on multi-strategy improvement.
Fig. 11 Before and after optimization of charging pile discharge load. The MHIHHO algorithm optimizes the charging pile's discharge power and discharge time, as well as the energy storage's charging and discharging rates and times, to maximize the charging pile's revenue and minimize the user's charging costs.
Based Eq. , to reduce the charging cost for users and charging piles, an effective charging and discharging load scheduling strategy is implemented by setting the charging and discharging power range for energy storage charging piles during different time periods based on peak and off-peak electricity prices in a certain region.
Combining Figs. 10 and 11, it can be observed that, based on the cooperative effect of energy storage, in order to further reduce the discharge load of charging piles during peak hours, the optimized scheduling scheme transfers most of the controllable discharge load to the early morning period, thereby further reducing users' charging costs.