In recent years, solid-state lithium batteries (SSLBs) using solid electrolytes (SEs) have been widely recognized as the key next-generation energy storage technology due to its high safety, high energy density, long cycle life, good rate performance and wide operating temperature range.
Recently, solid-state lithium batteries (SSLBs) employing solid electrolytes (SEs) have garnered significant attention as a promising next-generation energy storage technology.
Solid-state lithium battery manufacturing aids in the creation of environmentally friendly energy storage technologies. Solid-state batteries, as opposed to conventional lithium-ion batteries, offer increased safety and greater energy storage capacity. Both big businesses and small businesses are interested in them for a variety of uses , .
Harvard researchers have designed a stable, lithium-metal, solid-state battery that is far more efficient than lithium-ion batteries.
The solid-state design of SSBs leads to a reduction in the total weight and volume of the battery, eliminating the need for certain safety features required in liquid electrolyte lithium-ion batteries (LE-LIBs), such as separators and thermal management systems [3, 19].
Applications of solid-state lithium batteries. The primary categories of large-scale energy storage technologies encompass pumped storage, electrochemical energy storage, flywheel energy storage, and compressed air energy storage, among others.