Regarding the EV charging infrastructure, the Ministry of Energy and the Electric Vehicle Association of Thailand (EVAT) started a pilot project to install charging stations and provided funding to subsidize the investment in 150 charging outlets for both public organizations and private sectors.
Since the number of EV users in Thailand is still at the early stage, it will take longer time to recoup the investment costs. countries. For example, the development of EV charging networks in the US has been ]. Nevertheless, EV charging stations to support the investment of the private sector. The US General offices.
As of December 2022, there have been 1,239 charging stations with 3,739 charging points in operations in Thailand.6 In the last two years the charging infrastructure continuously developed, and since 2020, an average of around 200 charging stations per year were installed.
The development of public charging infrastructure is therefore crucial as the demand for EVs grows. To tackle this issue, the Thai government and commercial sectors are collaborating to extend its network of charging stations.
However, Energy many locations. T o limit the investment costs, the charging operators in Thailand tend to partner with other companies with different strengths. For instance, Bangchak and Caltex partnered with PEA and EA Anywhere in setting up charging points in gas stations. malls and started charging operations in the partners’ locations.
The CEO of Esso stated that, Thailand will use PHEVs as a transition into ]. The market for EV charging stations will be small in this charging and only 10% will use EV charging stations. T able 4. EV charging operations of oil and gas companies. at these stations. end of 2021. the non-oil revenue. one fast charger. Thailand). 4.3.2.