Transportation of lithium batteries, especially shipping lithium batteries by air, requires careful consideration. Therefore, there is a need for proper processes and safety protocols, including adherence to relevant battery shipping regulations and guidelines for best practices.
For proper training on dangerous goods including the Shipping Lithium Batteries by Air course, IATA offers a wide variety of safety courses to ensure you are competent in dealing with dangerous goods. This is required for all who participate in the shipping and handling of dangerous goods.
Here’s a fully updated overview of the current air transport regulations for all types of lithium batteries and devices. All standalone lithium batteries are prohibited as cargo on passenger aircraft.
That’s why the International Air Transport Association (IATA) is promoting the increased viability of air transport for lithium-ion batteries through a four-part approach: Promote the development of outcome-based, harmonized safety-related screening standards and processes for lithium batteries.
A table in the Lithium Battery Shipping Regulations manual gives the precise weight of batteries per package on both cargo and passenger aircraft. All marks and labels must be clearly visible on the exterior of all packages and overpacks. Proper marking and labeling is required when shipping lithium batteries by air.
There is provision for exceptional updates where an unacceptable risk to aviation has been identified. Due to the high energy density of lithium batteries, usage of lithium-ion batteries is expected to increase elevenfold between 2020 and 2030.