This updated roadmap serves as a strategic guide for policy makers and stakeholders, providing a detailed overview of the current state and future directions of battery technologies, with concluding recommendations with the aim to foster industry resilience, competitiveness and sustainability in Europe’s Battery Technology sectors.
sion of accelerating the growth of a globally competitive and sustainable battery value chain in Europe.The Batteries Europe R&I Roadmap provides an initial view of the needs and plans underway to address the development of the whole battery value chain and is followed by a comprehensive overview of the principal research areas which we, the
Key elements of the roadmap include: 1. Technological Review of Mainstream Battery Technologies: A comprehensive analysis of the four prominent battery technologies, lead-, lithium-, nickel- and sodium-based, detailing recent improvements and future potentials. 2.
Future Roadmaps and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) will track technology developments and identify further R&I actions. Success in these endeavours promises a cleaner environment, reduced carbon emissions, and sustainable employment opportunities in Europe’s battery sector. DISCLAIMER: Funded by the European Union.
net of things, etc.)Based on a Europe-wide consultation process, the BATTERY 2030+ roadmap presents the actions needed to deliver on the overall objectives and address the key challenges in inventing the sustainable, safe, high-performance ba
ologies for inclusion in the current roadmap. Sustainability stands as a paramount driver, aiming to produce batteries with minimal environmental impact, obtained in adherence to social and ecological standards, ensuring longevity, safety, and th potential for repair, reuse, or repurposing. As such, the essential electrochemical st