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How can I save water in San José?

View San José's Water Use Rules. There are lots of ways to save water. Shortening your shower by just 5 minutes can save 15 gallons indoors. Learn how you can save water at home. Learn how to report water waste in Santa Clara County. Detecting water leaks improves efficiency and saves money on your bill.

How secure is the water system in San Jose?

The water system in San Jose is one of the largest and most technically sophisticated in the U.S. The leaders of security, business resiliency, and information systems at San Jose Water believe that protecting it from cyber and physical threats is primarily a twofold challenge.

Where can I find a storage facility in San Jose?

SpareFoot has one of the largest list of available storage facilities in San Jose and lets you compare all storage options in one place. You can search by your zip code or address to find locations near you, then filter the results by storage unit size and amenities to meet your specific needs and budget.

How much does a water storage project cost?

The additional water storage was to have been shared among residents across the Bay Area in Alameda, Santa Clara and other counties to reduce water shortages during droughts. But the project’s costs have grown steadily, from $980 million in 2018 to nearly $1.6 billion today.

Should Contra Costa Water District own the reservoir?

Finally, the eight major water agencies that had formed a partnership to build the project couldn’t agree on which should shoulder the most financial risk and pay for additional cost overruns if they came up. Contra Costa Water District was unwilling to accept much risk, yet still would own and control the reservoir, other partners said.

Is a water project still viable?

“The project just is no longer viable,” she added. The failure is a major setback for the eight water agencies — each of which contributed $4.4 million and thousands of hours of staff time.

Lower Guadalupe River Project | Santa Clara Valley …

A cubic foot of water contains nearly 7.5 gallons. During high flow events, Valley Water staff routinely observes and records high water marks in the river and compares them to the expected water surface elevation based …

SJW Completes Montego Tank Replacement Project | San Jose Water

The project includes a new 377,600-gallon welded steel water storage tank that meets modern seismic standards to minimize failure risk during earthquakes, a chloramination …

EPA loans $92M for California water project

The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has approved a $92 million Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (WIFIA) loan to the Santa Clara …

San Jose Water Storage Tanks

San Jose California Water Storage Tanks ready for delivery and installation. San Jose California Water Storage Tanks ready for delivery and installation. HOME; ... Let Watermark be your …

EPA loans $92M for California water project

The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has approved a $92 million Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (WIFIA) loan to the Santa Clara Valley Water District (SCVWD) in San Jose, …

Cambrian Reservoirs Replacement Project | San Jose Water

Commencing in May 2024, this multi-year construction project will build two new tanks, providing 16 million gallons of potable water storage to our customers. The reservoir replacement …

Infrastructure | San Jose Water

Beginning in January 2020, San Jose Water launched a multi-year project to improve the storage facilities at our Columbine Station. This capital improvement project demolished the existing …

$1.5 billion project to expand major Bay Area reservoir collapses

In a stunning setback for efforts to expand water storage in Northern California as the state struggles with more severe droughts from climate change, a $1.5 billion plan to …

Belgatos and Cambrian Zone Storage ...

San Jose Water (SJW) owns and operates two earthen reservoirs with a combined usable storage capacity of 14.83 million gallons (MG) at the Cambrian Station. These reservoirs were built in …

Belgatos Station Tank Project | San Jose Water

Located in the foothills of Los Gatos in the southwest corner of Belgatos Park lies an important piece of our water system infrastructure. Belgatos Station previously …

San Jose Water completes tank replacement at Montego Station

The project includes a new 377,600-gallon welded steel water storage tank that meets modern seismic standards to minimize failure risk during earthquakes, a chloramination …

2019 San Jose Water Infrastructure Projects

San Jose Water is committed to infrastructure improvements that optimize the balance between levels of service, impact on rates, and risk. We use innovative solutions to …

San Jose Water Bulletin

Watershed Collaboration Forest Health Project. San Jose Water manages hazardous fuels and forest health to mitigate wildfire risk, responds to fires when they occur, ... new tanks, …

Hsueh: Preparing our water supply in the face of …

As part of the master plan''s development, we are evaluating five potential water storage projects, including the proposed Pacheco Reservoir Expansion Project. Located in south Santa Clara County, this proposed …


PROJECT OVERVIEW. Technology Lithium ion battery energy storage. Capacity 75 MW / 300 MWh. Location San Jose, California. Status Construction Interconnection Metcalf substation at 115 kV. Gen-Tie City of San Jose public …

Belgatos and Cambrian Zone Storage ...

San Jose Water (SJW) owns and operates two earthen reservoirs with a combined usable storage capacity of 14.83 million gallons (MG) at the Cambrian Station. These reservoirs were built in the late 1800s and early 1900s to serve …

$1.5 billion project to expand major Bay Area reservoir …

In a stunning setback for efforts to expand water storage in Northern California as the state struggles with more severe droughts from climate change, a $1.5 billion plan to enlarge Los...

Gov. Gavin Newsom urges completion of California''s …

5 · The project is supported by President Biden, farm organizations, labor unions and about 20 water agencies, including the Santa Clara Valley Water District in San Jose, Zone 7 Water Agency in ...

Microsoft planning massive data center in North San Jose

Part of the project would also include a water storage tank, pump building with chemical treatments for that water storage, and a new PG&E electrical substation. The 30+ …

Columbine Station Improvements

San Jose Water Company''s existing Columbine Station reservoir, constructed in 1963, needed to be upgraded to enable the storage of potable water. Overaa demolished the existing basin …

Pacheco Reservoir Expansion Project | Santa Clara Valley Water

Funding the project . In 2017, Valley Water, Pacheco Pass Water District and the San Benito County Water District collaborated in securing $484.5 million of the $1 billion …

Gov. Gavin Newsom urges completion of California''s largest new ...

5 · The project is supported by President Biden, farm organizations, labor unions and about 20 water agencies, including the Santa Clara Valley Water District in San Jose, Zone 7 …

Dam project leaves Santa Clara County''s largest …

A new earthquake retrofit project will render Santa Clara County''s largest drinking water source out of service for the next decade. Amid a massive drought that''s forced local officials to impose 15% water use reductions, the …

Hsueh: Preparing our water supply in the face of climate change

As part of the master plan''s development, we are evaluating five potential water storage projects, including the proposed Pacheco Reservoir Expansion Project. Located in …

E8: Upper Guadalupe River Flood Protection*

The project was carried forward into the 2012 Program. In November 2015, USACE and Valley Water completed the construction of Reach 12 (from Branham Lane to …