Arduino Based Two Axis Solar Tracking by Using Servo Mechanism ” This paper proposes a dual axis solar tracking system using Arduino as the main processing unit to capture maximum amount of solar energy. Dual axis tracking systems can increase the power output of solar energy systems by 40%-60%.
A dual-axis STS was created and used to improve the concentrating solar system's energy production. The technology makes advantage of sunlight delivered via fibre optics to produce energy or daylighting, with the heat produced going toward heating water.
The technology makes advantage of sunlight delivered via fibre optics to produce energy or daylighting, with the heat produced going toward heating water. According to experimental findings, the dual-axis STS-controlled hybrid solar lighting/thermal system's maximum efficiency was 32.2%.
Dual axis tracking was first developed in 1984 by Zobgi and Laplaze (Sumathi et al, 2018). Therefore, dual axis solar tracking mechanisms have been around for the past three decades. In this study the efficiency and complexity of dual tracking mechanism in the period between 1997 and 2017 is investigated.
According to experimental findings, the dual-axis STS-controlled hybrid solar lighting/thermal system's maximum efficiency was 32.2%. The authors of created a straightforward and affordable STS for tubular solar stills (TSS) that are assisted by parabolic concentrators (PCST).
From the study, a slightly constant trend was noticed with an average efficiency of about 38% (as shown by the trend line in Figure 4- A designed concept is discussed under this section. The concept design entails the planning and development of the concept of the dual axis solar tracker.