Ride worry-free with 400+ ride hours of battery life and easy battery checks. To check the status, watch the LED on the non-drive side spindle while waking your power meter with a half-turn backpedal. If the LED flashes red, it’s time to change the battery. TECH TIP: Only use lithium batteries, not alkaline, in your spindle-based power meter.
To check the status, watch the LED on the non-drive side spindle while waking your power meter with a half-turn backpedal. If the LED flashes red, it’s time to change the battery. TECH TIP: Only use lithium batteries, not alkaline, in your spindle-based power meter. This ensures consistent operation, maximum battery life, and prevents corrosion.
Enable Bluetooth in your phone settings for the app, and then connect to your power meter. Spider-based power meters use Magic Zero technology to automatically calibrate the power meter for you, so you never need to worry about calibration!
To check the status, watch the LED on the crank spider while waking your power meter with a half-turn backpedal. If the LED flashes red, it’s time to change the battery. TECH TIP: Some coin-cell batteries have a child-safe bitter coating. This coating interferes with Quarq battery contacts and is not compatible with Quarq power meters.
In this Articel you can find all the neccessary information for changing a battery on you power2max powermeter. Remove the rubber cap that seals the battery. Remove the empty battery. Insert the new battery of Type CR2450. Please ensure the correct polarity. After inserting the battery, the green LED flashes for approximately 120 seconds.
Power meters precisely measure torque, capturing your power (in watts) and cadence (as RPM), then broadcasts these metrics to your bike computer. Correctly set up your power meter to optimize your ride efforts. Grab your bike, smart phone, and cycling computer and complete the following steps.