It’s a 555 based simple circuits the charge the battery when the battery charge goes below the lower limits, and stop charging when the battery reaches it's upper limit voltage “To make a cheap and efficient solar charge controller” This is the driving circuit of the DIY AUTOMATIC SOLAR CHARGE CONTROLLER. To make this circuit you need 1.
This solar charger has current and voltage regulation and also has over voltage cut off facilities. This circuit may also be used to charge any battery at constant voltage because output voltage is adjustable. How to Operate this Solar Battery Charger Circuit?
In our case we connect the +ve of the solar panel to the pole of the relay and +ve of the battery to N.O when the battery is connected to the SCC (solar charge controller) the circuit check the battery voltage the voltage is less than or equal to lower limit the current is flows to the battery and battery start charging.
Future Planning for Charging Cycle : The bulk charge begins when the solar panel voltage is larger than the battery voltage. When the battery voltage reaches 14.4V, absorption charge will be entered. The charging current will be regulated by the PWM signal to maintain the battery voltage at 14.4V for one hour.
If you are planning to install an off-grid solar system with a battery bank, you’ll need a Solar Charge Controller. It is a device that is placed between the Solar Panel and the Battery Bank to control the amount of electric energy produced by Solar panels going into the batteries.
Download the Schematic : Schematic_Arduino+Solar+Charge+Controller+V2.0_Sheet_1_20200320104815 The heart of the Arduino solar charge controller is an Arduino Nano board. The Arduino senses the solar panel and battery voltages by using two voltage divider circuits.