For those interested in going solar, there are no health dangers when installing solar panels on your property. Although it is true that some solar panels contain metals that are considered toxic in large quantities, it is very rare for humans to become exposed to these elements at any point in the equipment life cycle.
Some individuals worry about the structural integrity of their property when installing solar panels. However, when assessed beforehand and installed correctly, solar panels pose no inherent danger to the structural stability of roofs or other mounting locations.
In the best interest of our customers and the planet, PPM does not install solar panels manufactured with toxic materials. Instead, we use LED-free equipment without the Cadmium Telluride sometimes found in modern solar panels. Even further, we do not install high-voltage DC systems in residential neighborhoods.
Homeowners are installing solar panels in increasing numbers and reaping the financial and environmental benefits. But some are still hesitant because of myths around cost, performance and durability of panels. Here, we debunk the most common myths so that you have all the facts you need before you pivot to panels
Recommendations for fire safety with PV solar panel installations is a joint code of practice for fire safety with photovoltaic panel installations, with a focus on commercial rooftop mounted systems, but it has lots of guidance for solar panel systems in general too.
For decades, large-scale public health studies have been performed to conclude that there are no associations between solar energy and cancer. True for rooftop installations and large solar farms, global public health researchers have found in every study that solar panels do not cause cancer at any production level.