Frequent short trips can strain your car’s battery. To avoid that, you should use your car for a longer period of time once on the road. You can also consider investing in an external battery charger to maintain the correct voltage if you can’t use your car often, and for long journeys. 3. Switch your car off properly
If you are unable to find such a space, battery blankets and battery warmers can be purchased to help insulate and protect your battery. Drive More Frequently A lesser known fact about car batteries is that shorter trips can decrease its life expectancy.
Car batteries can fail for several reasons. Often, it's due to age; most batteries last between three to five years. Other causes include leaving lights on, frequent short trips that don’t allow the battery to fully recharge, extreme temperatures, and faulty charging systems.
Despite being a critical part of your car, batteries can be troublesome. A flat or faulty battery is the most common cause of a breakdown, particularly in the winter, potentially leaving you late for work or stranded at the road side.
In the event you will not be driving your vehicle for a few days (or months), it is important to disconnect your battery and store it in a climate-controlled area away from direct heat or sunlight. If you are unable to find such a space, battery blankets and battery warmers can be purchased to help insulate and protect your battery.
You should try and keep your car in a garage – this helps in protecting the battery from extreme weather. If you don’t have a garage, park your car in the shade. You can also consider investing in a battery blanket to prevent car fluids from freezing in winters. 7. Consider investing in a trickle charger