On average a new solar battery will cost between £3,000 and £9,000 depending on the size, type and brand of the battery. How Much Do Solar Batteries Cost? The cost of a solar battery system is dependent on many factors, including the brand of the battery, the batteries chemical composition, storage capacity and it’s life cycle.
When factoring in solar panel costs in the UK, the average 4kW solar system with battery price, for a 3-bedroom house, could reach £13,000 to £15,500. On the other hand, pairing a 5kW solar system with a battery can cost around £16,500 - £18,500. As you can see, the prices increase the larger your solar system size is.
While solar battery storage is optional, it’s a wise investment if you want to be able to store your solar panel’s excess energy once the sun goes down. It’s not a particularly expensive addition to a solar energy system and its inclusion can save you money in the long run and even give you the ability to sell excess energy back to the grid.
As the name suggests, solar battery storage, also referred to as an energy storage system allows you to store electricity generated by your solar panels during the sunlight hours. This makes the electricity readily available for use in the evenings or on dull days, allowing you to become more self-reliant and reduce your reliance on the grid.
The sonnenBatterie 10 is the perfect all rounder smart solar battery storage system for you if you’re looking to integrate it into an existing PV system or build a new system. Because this battery comes in 3 different sizes (5.5kWh, 11kWh, or 22kWh), you’re likely to be able to find one that fits your energy demand.
The findings indicated that typical customers with solar panels but without a battery storage system saved an average of £380 per year. In contrast, those equipped with a battery storage system saved an average of £840 annually.