Conclusive summary and perspective Lithium-ion batteries are considered to remain the battery technology of choice for the near-to mid-term future and it is anticipated that significant to substantial further improvement is possible.
As a technological component, lithium-ion batteries present huge global potential towards energy sustainability and substantial reductions in carbon emissions. A detailed review is presented herein on the state of the art and future perspectives of Li-ion batteries with emphasis on this potential. 1. Introduction
The potential of these unique power sources make it possible to foresee an even greater expansion of their area of applications to technologies that span from medicine to robotics and space, making lithium batteries the power sources of the future. To further advance in the science and technology of lithium batteries, new avenues must be opened.
Beyond this application lithium-ion batteries are the preferred option for the emerging electric vehicle sector, while still underexploited in power supply systems, especially in combination with photovoltaics and wind power.
Lithium batteries are characterized by high specific energy, high efficiency and long life. These unique properties have made lithium batteries the power sources of choice for the consumer electronics market with a production of the order of billions of units per year.
Forecasts on the future lithium-ion battery demand show, in fact, that a significant increase in nickel supply is needed, which is not covered by the existing mines. Accordingly, new mining projects and recycling strategies are inevitable, while ideally also new, low nickel content chemistries will be explored. 3.2.2.
This battery chemistry has the dual advantage of relying on lower cost materials than Li-ion, leading to cheaper batteries, and of completely avoiding the need for critical minerals. It is currently the only viable chemistry that does not contain …