To compare the different solar thermal power generation systems, some key characteristics/parameters are important to analyze the performance of the power generation system. Some of those parameters are discussed as follows: Aperture is the plane of entrance for the solar radiation incident on the concentrator.
Harnessing solar energy for electric power generation is one of the growing technologies which provide a sustainable solution to the severe environmental issues such as climate change, global warming, and pollution. This chapter deals with the solar thermal power generation based on the line and point focussing solar concentrators.
The thermal energy storage is employed to reduce the effect of diurnal and seasonal variations in solar radiation on the performance of the solar thermal plant. Additionally, thermal energy storage increases the dispatchability of a solar thermal power generation system.
In the last 30 years, solar thermal energy has developed to a technology that can supply heat as well as power and has a variety of different applications.
The solar thermal power plant is one of the promising renewable energy options to substitute the increasing demand of conventional energy. The cost per kW of solar power is higher and the overall efficiency of the system is lower.
Anannual efficiency goal of 0.90 has been set for this design. Solar thermal energy can make areal impact ifi leads to large cale cost-effective electrical power generation. The survey don inthis paper shows that this sfar from being the case. However, impressive developments have taken place in the last decade.