Solar photovoltaic (PV) power generation, with abundant irradiance, stands out among various renewable energy sources. The global deployment of solar energy has experienced significant growth in the last 10 years. In 2022, a significant 231 GWdc of PV capacity was installed globally, resulting in a total cumulative PV installation of 1.2 TWdc .
In literature, three general maintenance strategies for solar PV systems are mentioned: corrective, preventive, and predictive maintenance. Fig. 8 shows the evolution of maintenance strategies over time, along with examples of maintenance activities for PV systems. Fig. 8. Evolution of maintenance strategies.
There you have it, a guide to the solar project development process. While the development process can be complex, involving various assessments, design and engineering, permitting and financing, construction, and ongoing maintenance, the benefits of these projects are numerous.
With permits and financing secured, the construction and installation phase of a solar project can commence. This phase is where the physical solar panels and equipment are installed on-site and connected to the power grid. It includes several key steps that require careful planning and execution.
Communication Management: Effective communication is crucial to the success of a solar project. A communication plan should be developed to ensure that all stakeholders are informed and involved throughout the project. Change Management: Change management is the process of identifying and managing changes to the project scope, schedule, or budget.
This highlights that the management of PV systems often focuses on closely monitoring energy production, neglecting the overall efficiency of the system affected by global operations such as preventive maintenance, cleaning, and relevant logistical tasks. Fig. 4. Density diagram of the bibliographic coupling of keywords from VOSViewer.