This paper describes an automatic sun tracking system, based on two stepper motors, and moving solar panel. To gain more energy from the sun, the active surface of the solar cells should be perpendicular to solar radiation, which means that the panel must follow the path of the sun all the time.
Peter Amaize et al constructed a model of Automatic solar tracker system that includes incorporates Arduino within the system. LDR was used in the model to check the intensity of sunlight, also the servomotor is used to contr ol the movement of the solar panel. The paper
Mohammed et al. (2010) designed a parabolic solar cooker with automatic two axes sun tracking system. The solar cooker with automatic two axes eliminated the standing in the sun for hours to get frequent tracking and facing the concentrated solar cooker.
This solar tracking system was controlled by a micro chip PIC 18F452 micro controller. The search mechanism PILOT located the position of the sun and the intelligent panel mechanism rotates itself with the PILOT to extract the maximum energy.
The panel’s mechanism rotated to the position automatically when energy extraction is optimal. The system was designed in such a way that panels only follow the sun if that contributes to extra energy extraction and at the same time, the energy consumed by the panel driving motor is less than that extracted.
In this context solar tracking system is the best alternative to increase the efficiency of the photovoltaic panel. Solar trackers move the payload towards the sun throughout the day. In this paper different types of tracking systems are reviewed and their pros and cons are discussed in detail.