It is apower framework that provides renewable solar energy by converting sunlight energy into electricity in PV cells. Due to its beneficial low maintenance cost , environmental sustainability , economic viability and long life span [5,6], PV systems can be and have been commercialized in many ASEAN countries.
al 2003). The benefits of solar e derable proportion of a system's electricity requirement, minimizing perational costs curtailing the use of electricity through fossil fuels and energy cost(Chakrabarti and Chakrabarti 2002). enewable energy systems such as the photovoltaic (PV) system redu arenergy via PV syste
In this paper the method employed for a detailed economic analysis of a solar energy system is presented. A spreadsheet computer program is used as a tool for the economic analysis because the general format of such a program is a table with cells which can contain values or formulae and the fact that they incorporate many build-in functions.
dered in system analysis is the annual solar savings ($)which is omputed on the basis of system size and utility energy State Energy Prices three energy systems, we havetaken certain assump ions in this decision making model:The solar power output is kept at a standard AC e fi and 3 feet in breadth.The averag oximate power
In their assessment of three scenarios, including when grid electricity cost is 4.0 cent/kWh, when grid electricity is 8.0 cent/kWh, and with partial grid electricity supply, they found the installation of solar PV systems in regions with high electricity prices to be viable.
solar system of 12.5kW which produces 14965kWh of po mances, we c moredependent on conventio al systems due to their energy production during off- eak andnight hours.10kW solar systems in a hybrid setup produces 11972kWh of power uni energy systemsfor 3028kWh of power units. The conventional energy primitive cy on on-grid conventional systems